Mark Spencer for Sherwood Forest General Election Survey 2024

I am delighted to be standing to represent Sherwood Forest at the upcoming General Election. I have been honoured to represent Sherwood for over 14 years as the Member of Parliament, delivering over £60m of funding in the last 12 months alone.

As someone who was born locally, attended schools in Lambley and Calverton, and who has a family business in Lambley, what matters to you matters to me. I have grown up in the area, as have my children and to be able to represent the community in Parliament has been something I could never of dreamed of.

I would like to know your views and opinions on what matters to you. I would appreciate you taking the time to fill in a quick survey at the bottom of this page. I ask for your support on July 4th so we can continue to have a true local champion standing up for Sherwood Forest

Thank you,



Mark Spencer, Conservative candidate for Sherwood Forest




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In order to make this survey representative, how did you vote in the 2024 General Election?
This question contains special category data relating to your political opinion that may be shared with the wider Conservative Party for the purposes of Democratic Engagement with your permission. Please only answer this question if you consent to the processing of this data and sharing it with Conservative Party in accordance with our Data Protection and Privacy policy. If you do not answer this question then this data will not be shared.
On the scale of 0-10, 0 means there would be no chance of you voting for the party and 10 means you would be absolutely certain to vote for the party.

This question contains special category data relating to your political opinion that may be shared with the wider Conservative Party for the purposes of Democratic Engagement with your permission. Please only answer this question if you consent to the processing of this data and sharing it with Conservative Party in accordance with our Data Protection and Privacy policy. If you do not answer this question then this data will not be shared.